The balance spectre received some new lifeblood from the PvP final at IEM Katowice. Oddly enough, the racial performance was not that skewed (PvT was 3-3, PvZ 1-0, TvZ 2-0)--all the 3-2 matches were non-mirrors and could have gone either way. As someone who remembers the days of Brood Lord/Infestor there were not consistent one-sided stomps by Protoss against other races. For me, the main problems are early game PvT (whose volatility also makes early game PvP difficult to watch) and late game PvZ.
Taeja has reiterated his intention to retire soon, citing the worsening condition of his wrists. Unlike other retirement announcements this would be permanent if he's physically incapable of playing.
I missed most of SeatStory Cup (sadly--I mistakenly thought it was a Hearthstone tournament), but did get to see an epic mech vs swarm host/muta game between HyuN and jjakji and if you get a chance to watch it, I highly recommend it (the VOD has not yet been posted--Take is one of the few remaining SC2 casters who waits awhile before making them available).
lichter offered a list of the best games from January/February and I suggest checking it out.
NaNiwa decided to take a break from StarCraft due to a lack of interest (from comments he's made it's connected to ZvP swarm host play). He'll be back--SC2 players who can still play never leave--but it's sad for the scene in the short term (particularly given his abrupt exit at IEM Katowice).
Total Biscuit was on Chanmanv this week and talked about how SC2 viewer numbers are far better than they were in the "heyday" of NASL/IPL (his comments are around 11:00-13:00); he said/implied that NASL was always in the red and that its failure was largely inevitable. TB also talked about how SC2 is getting better in terms of its returns (he discusses SC2's health in detail here).
Speaking of Chanmanv, I was reading about Thorin being fired due to what he said about Poland and came across comments within the article about popular streamer Destiny who was fired by Quantic awhile back for racist/homophobic comments. The community seems to have forgiven Destiny for the comments, but it's surprising that he made them in the first place.
This article is written by Peter Levi (@eyeonthesens)
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